donderdag 17 maart 2011

The Green Fields of Love

The sun makes everyone happy, fills everyone with joy, everyone besides me. When the sun goes down in spring evening I get depressed, at the same time I can love the sun, but not at that moment. The rain makes everyone depressed, everyone besides me. When the rain falls down in the afternoon I’m feeling happy, at the same I can hate the rain, but not at that moment. And everything of that in the fields, in the green fields, in the green fields of love.

When the sun is up high in the sky I see the girl with the skyblue eyes, when the rain is falling down I think at the land full of flowers. And everything of that in the fields, in the green fields, in the green fields of love.

The lonely bird is looking for his meal when the sun is going down, the other birds are flying in groups towards the sun. The birds are flying and I’m just a lonely bird, a lonely bird with his meal. And all of that in the fields, in the green fields, in the green fields of love.

I’m, driving to the sun, just like the birds but I’m doing it all by myself. The same sun that is taking me away from home, the same sun that is taking me home. It's just a journey, a journey with a road, a journey with a road to home. And the road is in the middle of the fields, in the green fields, in the green fields of love.

The fields are greener than green, with the sun, the rain, the skyblue eyes, the birds, the meal, the happiness, the joy and the love. All of that you might find in the green fields of love, if you take the right road that begins a journey to a road to home.

1 opmerking:

  1. I must say you are very talented.
    I enjoy reading from you.
    Keep up the good work =)
